Monday, September 29, 2008

Log 42; Day 131; 9/29/2008 Aqua Yacht Harbor

Log 42
Day 131
Monday, September 29, 2008

6:50 AM CDT
Location: Aqua Yacht Harbor, Iuka, MS
Weather: 61* and very foggy; forecast is for sunny and 82* and a 0% chance of rain

Another very foggy morning (as usual..the picture does not do it justice). The water is still so warm (86*) and these 60* nights cause a lot of fog on the water and low lying spots. But that is a beautiful morning. The sun is just coming over the trees and it will burn off this fog and a very nice day is in store. The problem this morning is “bugs”...there everywhere inside the helm area. They are those very small “nat” kind of things and they are all over. During the day you don’t notice how many of them there are and then at night when we sit in the helm and watch TV they are attracted to the light. Then during the night we have those pest strips that put out an oder that kills bugs, and in the morning those dead bugs are everywhere. This is the worst it has been.

Yesterday...was another easy, and great, cruising day. It may get boring to read this each day...but it does not get boring to do it. We went 71 miles in 7 hours. As we approached the Pickwick Lock the river continued to narrow and the current picked up a little bit as well. About 4 miles out I called the lock master and asked for lockage...he said he would empty the chamber and “keep on coming”. It took about 20 minutes for us to make the 4 miles...and for him to empty the chamber. We idled the last 1/2 mile or so and as we got to the lock the doors opened. It took 20 minutes for him to fill this huge chamber and lift us 55 feet. I have 2 pictures to show what it was like when they opened the doors to the lock. We were now in Pickwick Lake and it is as pretty as any lake you’ll see (although they say it is even prettier farther up the Tennessee). About 7 more miles and we got off the Tennessee River and went on the Yellow River to our marina for the night...Aqua Yacht Harbor. Although not as nice as I remember it...still a nice marina. The afternoon was spent reading (Deb) and watching NASCAR and enjoying a margarita (that would be me). By the way...great race and the car I picked to win the race (#48) I was extra happy. For dinner we had a great piece of Tilapia that Deb fixed on the stove. We also watch the first episode of Survivor that I had recorded last week.

Today...looks to be another great weather (once this fog burns off) and cruising day. We are heading about 50 miles up river to Florence, AL. We will be heading a little further South on the river, and then head north as we make our way up to Chattanooga, where we will turn around and head back south.

I’ll keep you posted.


Here is our slip at Aqua Yacht Harbor
The fog at Aqua Yacht Harbor this morning as I wrote this log
A shot of Pickwick Lake as we came out of the lock.
Another shot of Pickwick Lake...just awesome.

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