Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Log 28; Day 104; September 2, 2008; GTB, Grand Rivers, KY

Log 28
Day 104
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

6:15 AM CDT
Location: Green Turtle Bay Marina, Grand Rivers, KY.
Weather: 77* with 67% humidity; light wind...predicted to be 92 and mostly cloudy today

The lowest it got last night was 77*. This morning when I came to the back deck it was very warm and muggy. There is a light breeze so I opened up the side doors and some of the isinglass and it feels pretty good. The sun is not up yet...when it does come over the hill I’m sure it will warm up fast...but they are predicting it to be mostly cloudy today. I hope so, because I am not a big fan of the heat.

Yesterday was a relaxing day at GTB. Deb made pancakes and we both enjoyed a lazy breakfast because we knew we were not on any cruising schedule. About mid morning we took a dock walk...one of my favorite things to do.
(Side note: When I typed the above sentence I thought about all the dock walks I have been on, at the many marinas...and decided to take another one...now. So I stopped typing and took a long walk...I’m back now) Anyway...this is a big very nice marina with probably at least 200 big boats docked here. A place where most folks doing the loop stop for a while. Deb and I also wanted to take a dinghy ride so after lunch we dropped the dinghy and headed out on Lake Barkley. The wind was out of the east, and it made it tough going heading into the waves out on the lake so we hugged the shore and ducked in and out of coves...and there are lots of them. We wanted to go to the cove we stayed in for a week when we rented the houseboat with Beccah’s family in July because we thought it would be loaded with boats partying. Well, we made it to the cove, but found only a few boats anchored...maybe because it was the end of the holiday weekend. It was so hot we came back to the boat and Deb went up to the pool. I sat in the air conditioning and watched the end of the NASCAR race that I had taped the night before. Deb cooked some great tilapia (I think that is how you spell it...anyway it’s fish) on the stove and we made it an early night.

The next few days will be spent getting a few things done on the boat list. Steve and Claudia Larry (we worked at TLC together, and he retired 1 week after me) will be driving down from Dixon, IL on the 11th, and Steve will be bringing his fishing boat down as well. He and I plan to see if we can catch a few fish and enjoy the area. People come from all around to fish here...maybe we can figure out why.

I probably will not be sending many updates over the next few days...as there will not be much to report that is of any “cruising” interest. If anything of significance happens...I’ll send out a note.

I’ll keep you posted.


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