Friday, September 17, 1999

An Update from Deb


Hey Everybody!

I just read BK's e-mail for the day. Yep - we all look forward to the daily episode as much as you all do. "Did he mention that I finished my book and I know who the murderer is?" "Did he tell them about the big dredger we saw?" "Did he tell them that he had his first margarita since we left

Starved Rock Marina?" "Did we have any fun yesterday?"
Anyway, it occurred to me that y'all might want to see some pics of our restaurant last night. This will be a test, let us know if you're able to retrieve them.
It's 9:30am - ST is driving, BK is here & there, checking things out (with a Bloody Mary in one hand), CVA is slicing a musk melon and I'm catching up on my journal. It's 74 degrees and (what else?) cloudless. The steam has burned off the water and we're gliding along at about 1100 rpms (saving fuel). Life is good! It's time to get my suit on and hit the front deck!

As BK says, Headquarters clear...standing by...


P.S. BK just said he forgot to tell you about a point in our trip yesterday. The river was so winding that according to the guide book, we traveled 3 miles on the water to move 1000 feet. Does that make sense?

P.P.S. BK & ST have a bet. ST says we'll see an alligator today. BK says - no way. The bet is dinner on the loser. Hm-m-m...I think no matter who wins, CVA & I get a dinner out! You go guys!

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